Mini vodka martini, icy cold
Massachusetts was the first state to do it, and one by one, others have followed suit. Of course, I’m talking about the ban on happy hour. Since 1984, more than 20 states have tagged along on the trend of abolishing two-for-one drink specials, free or reduced-price appetizers with which to enjoy those drinks, and all the good times that go with tipping back a few in the company of friends and coworkers during those magical hours between punching out and tucking into dinner.
Fortunately, California is no lemming, and on a recent Friday after work, some good friends Nathan and I hadn't seen in a little while suggested meeting up at Figaro. Modeled after a Parisian bistro and occupying prime sidewalk real estate on Vermont Ave., the Los Feliz restaurant is a favorite of the see-and-be-seen set of the near-eastside. In fact that's probably why it had been years since we were last there. But In This EconomyTM, who are we to pass up those happy hour specials?

Selections from Figaro's happy hour menu
Pictured above, clockwise from top left, are (in French, of course) pommes frites ($3), croquettes de crabe ($6), and moules gratinee aux fromage ($6), all roughly half of what they cost during dinner service. Cocktail discounts include $4 "mini" martinis, $3 beers, and $5 glasses of wine. So Nathan and I managed to get our drink on and fill our stomachs for about $30. Happy hour at Figaro lasts only from 5 to 7, so when the end is nigh, do the smart thing:

Make that a double
By the way, I hope to start featuring different happy hours on Food Comma on a semiregular basis. Any suggestions?